
Nautimedia, media partner of the 11th ANEN Nautical Congress

Once again, Nautimedia will be part of the Nautical Congress organised annually by the National Association of Nautical Companies (ANEN), one of the most important events in the Spanish and international nautical calendar.

Since 2017, when the event was held for the first time in Palma, Nautimedia has been responsible for the audiovisual coverage of all the editions of this meeting, which brings together every year the main companies and the most renowned professionals in the sector. This year, moreover, Nautimedia will have a special participation, as it will hold the title of media partner of the event, along with prestigious companies such as Forbes Nautik, among others.

As in previous editions, Nautimedia has been in charge of the communication prior to the event, revealing on social networks, through video teasers, the city where this eleventh edition of the Nautical Congress will be held, which will take place on 7 and 8 March in Euskalduna Bilbao. This demonstrates the trust placed by the organization in the Nautimedia team, which works discreetly and side by side with the ANEN communication department, being each year, one of the first to know, for example, the city and location that will host each of the congresses organized.

In addition to bring together half a thousand attendees, including the sector's top national and international figures, the 11th Nautical Congress will continue to promote debate on the hottest topics on the nautical sector's agenda, with presentations, analysis, reflections and guidelines for action.

In order to provide the best media coverage (video editing, photo capture, etc.), Nautimedia will send to Bilbao a team of four specialized professionals equipped with state-of-the-art audiovisual equipment. In order to transport all the necessary material, this team will travel by car to Bilbao, after a stopover by boat via Denia, thus reinforcing its cohesion. 

The 11th edition of the Nautical Congress will open its doors on the 7th of March and will feature four keynote speeches on its agenda, sharing space with the debates of maximum interest that will occupy the round tables of the two days.

Fernando Trías de Bes, economic analyst, writer and one of the most brilliant Spanish experts in disruptive innovation, will shed light on the present and future situation of the economic scenario. His lecture Economic outlook for 2024: against all odds will take place on the 7th of March at 9:45 am.

Inma Shara, virtuoso of the fourth art and one of only six women in the world to conduct the most important symphony orchestras, will be the protagonist of the motivational conference, one of the most stimulating and eagerly awaited moments for the congress participants.  Her performance with the conference "The invisible baton: the leadership that generates harmony" will take place on 7 March at 10:30h.

David Baixauli, Director of Sustainability at LaLiga and a leading expert in sports management, will explain how the sport of football has integrated sustainability into its management and its relations with society and how sailing can follow in its footsteps. His conference "Keys to corporate governance in the face of the regulatory "tsunami" on sustainability" will take place on the 7th of March at 12:30 pm.

Alex Rayón, one of the leading exponents in the knowledge of Artificial Intelligence in our country, will make us reflect on the "positive" impact that AI will have on recreational boating in the same way that other sectors are already benefiting from its integration. His conference "The impact of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE on recreational boating" will take place on the 8th of March at 9:45 am.

The new consumer profile that seeks new experiences also in recreational boating, training to solve the demand for qualified professionals for the marine industry, women and the sea with their particular vision of the business and the importance of promoting the incorporation of female talent in the blue economy, the legacy of the great nautical events and Blue Tourism destinations, will occupy the four round tables on the first day of the Congress. With leading experts in each of their specialities.

The regulation and future regulations of recreational boating will be the focus of the two round tables on the 8th of March. Representatives of the Maritime Administration will present their roadmap for the 2024-2025 biennium. And after a year of running-in, since its presentation at the last edition of the Congress, the Maritime Navigation Codification Commission will update us on the legislative advances and the continuity of its action plan.

Nautimedia will be at this great nautical meeting, capturing and shelling out everything that happens and without missing a single detail, so that we can then tell it in detail on the nautical platform Because, as the company's slogan says, #welovesplashing.

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Nautimedia, media partner of the 11th ANEN Nautical Congress

Nautimedia, media partner of the 11th ANEN Nautical Congress

For yet another year, Nautimedia will be part of the Nautical Congress organized annually by the National Association of Nautical Companies (ANEN), which is one of the most important events on the Spanish and international nautical calendar.

“To work with Carlos Hellín and his team has always been a total success. A very creative team, with detailed work and really professional and experts in the nautical world. A very good crew.”

CHEMA SANS - Palma International Boat Show

“A very reliable company. They understand the needs of the client and they do their best to ensure that the final product is not only of high quality but also surprising. A pleasure to work with.”


"We have worked with RECBLAU audiovisual on several superyacht refit projects. I have always been impressed with their attention to detail and creative production. I would be happy to recommend their services to anyone looking for an excellent audio visual presentation."


“Our experience with the Nautimedia team could not be better, a team committed to their work, making any project easy, with great empathy and knowledge of the recreational boating sector. A notable collaborating partner with whom we can continue on the right track". 


CARMEN HERRERO - ANEN, Asoc.Nac.Empresas Náuticas

“From 21 boats we would like to point out the professionality and the service that they have offered. Dedication, vocation and transparency make working with Nautimedia easier, fun and rewarding.”


“The professionalism demonstrated and the human and personalised treatment is always great. They are really good.”

JOSÉ RUA - Metalnox

“It is a great pleasure to work with Nautimedia. They listen, they propose and perfectly capture the exhibition you make and translate it with seriousness and precision.”

ALFREDO FUSTER - ADN Asoc. Navegantes Mediterráneo

“Our experience with Nautimedia when dealing with the audiovisual documentary production of our association was perfect. From the very first meeting they kept up with the agreed work pace of the project to present an amazing piece on the agreed date. A company that offers security and guarantees, without a doubt, a success.”

DIANE FRANKLIN - AEGY As.Española de Grandes Yates

“Linked to the nautical industry for many years, their services have always been a good support for our projects. They offer experience and professionalism.”


“After many years of professional relationship I can assure you that this is a team with good ideas and very resolute. I feel I am in good hands.”

JAUME VAQUER - AENIB As. Empresas Náuticas de Baleares

"It is a real pleasure to work with Nautimedia. A great team of professionals with an unbeatable human touch. Always available and with the best attitude when faced with challenges."

VELISLAVA ILIEVA - Astilleros de Mallorca

“We are talking about a very professional team that comes up with great ideas and offers a great capacity to adapt to any project. We are very happy with their work.”

MARTA VAQUER - Jaume Vermell Nàutica

"Working with them is a safe bet, as they are not only great audiovisual and communication professionals, but they also know and support the needs of the sector".

NANI MAS - Balearic Yacht Destination

"From the management of a yacht club we pay a lot of attention to details and areas that set our agenda.  Thanks to nautimedia our members and users know first hand and in detail what is being done on a daily basis".

MICAELA ADROVER - Club Nàutic Sa Ràpita

"In my years of experience in the sector, I have come across many challenges, such as adapting to new communication channels. Thanks to Nautimedia's work and advice, this task is now sailing on its own".


"We have been working with nautimedia since 2021 and the communication and visibility of the club has never been so good. Before, the media hardly showed any interest in our activities and now our impact is unbeatable".

MIKI BOVER - Club Nàutic Sa Ràpita

“We have worked with Recblau on several occasions to create videos for our brands and the experience has always been very good. I would highlight the quality, creativity, good understanding and predisposition of the whole team, which are the keys to achieving a good result!”

ANA SÁNCHEZ - B&G (Navico)

"I have been working with RECBLAU for years, and the experience has always been excellent. They are very good professionals, they know the nautical world very well, and they know how to transmit the importance and the charm of our industry like no one else".

MARTA IGLESIAS - Balearic Yacht Asociation